Snowman Logistics
Promoter-company Gateway Distriparks’ `investor return’ exudes optimism though individual promoter’s CBI case raises perception issues…
Kushal Tradelink
Wholesale paper trader wants public money to set up `corporate office’!
VKJ Infradevelopers
Same merchant banker & issue date, similar project & offer amount, matching `credentials’ make VKJ Infra no better than Silverpoint!…
Silverpoint Intratech
When will regulators wake up from slumber?…
GCM Commodity
BSE’s incompetence thoroughly exposed!…
VKS Projects
CRISIL’s rating speaks enough!…
e-Dynamics Solutions
Sounds like a hi-tech e-commerce company but, hardly has any infrastructure for e-tailing despite having already raised more than Rs 15 cr as equity…
Just Dial
Steep pricing reminds post-listing debacle of SKS Microfinance…
Onesource Techmedia
Yet another IPO for `Guiness record’; Fit case for regulators to investigate the link between Onesource-First Financial-Global Infra…
Scotts Garments
Another Bombay Rayon Fashions in the making?…